Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cardfight Vanguard At Otakon

Ah otakon a place for us nerds to gather and enjoy anime to its fullest...however my trip to otakon was more in the direction of the card tables than anywhere else.  The experience was great met a'lot of good and bad players that weekend.  Now i'm not here to rip on players but i am going to discuss certain mistakes and certain things that were learned through this trip.

Ill start off with the underestimated Granblue clan.  Granblue is a legion of undead pirates that will keep reviving themselves until you are as dead as they are.  Most players don't have much fear for them at the moment and feel that they lack the ability to last in competitive play.  My goal this weekend was to set out and test the decks that have been dismissed and also some that have been proven to be worthy for competitive play and put their titles to the test.

For the granblue deck I chose to go with a variant that utilizes the drop zone as a tool box and also runs a card i've heard get alot of slander and that card is Dragon undead skull dragon.  For those of you who dont know about this card it is a grade 3 with 10000 power its ability is it gains 3000 power when it attacks so long as you have a granblue vanguard and its a counterblast 1 to retire a grade 2 or higher rear guard to revive itself from the drop zone the cost of this amazing ability is it dies at the end of the turn its place on the field.  As i stated before this card gets a'lot of hate because players
feel the cost is too much and fail to see what the cards purpose is.  This card in particular is a late game card meaning you don't use it till your trying to push for the win which is usually after 4 damage has been dealt.  Moving on to the results of this deck, after testing in multiple games including a mirror match and a game against kagero the deck tested great.  The deck demonstrates true raw power and endless amounts of it.  In the kagero game the opposing player repeatedly destroyed my rear guards mostly the boosters and interceptors if needed.  However by simply utilizing the soul and if needed a well timed counterblast the deck snapped back on the aggressive path it started on.  Using cards like Spirit exceed to refill the soul helped to push for the win.

Another important thing about decks like this are you can add stand triggers to them.  The deck i ran used 10 critical 2 stand and 4 heal.  Stand triggers are grossly underestimated due to the fact that most of us american card players want to play the fastest and most aggressive way possible.  Thinking that way may win you some games but in the long run a stand trigger will give you a better chance at winning in the late game.  Imagine it a 10000 interceptor that stood back up with 15000 power forcing more out of your opponents hand if they have much of one left at that point in the game.  Again Dragon undead skull dragon shines with a stand and a boost of 5000 he can reach 18000 and get 2 attacks before he dies at the end of the turn.
The second and last deck i am going to cover is the over hyped and now underestimated angel feather clan.  I'm going to make this quick and simple, this deck will be a'lot more enticing once set 7 is launched in the next few months.  Until then do not underestimate a good player piloting this deck.  Much like granblue angel feather turns a zone into a tool box in this case the damage zone,  All other decks have chances to lose valuable cards to the damage zone which can effect their games but angel feather thrives on this by being able to swap cards from their hand with ones in their damage zone.  Doing this also allows them to take face down cards and swap them with face up ones allowing for more counterblast action.  Our team has a player who uses this deck and it has proven its worth on more than 1 occasion,  The deck may seem slow and timid when you first start the game but late game you will start to see how fast the deck was actually moving.  Imagine the damage zone as an extra hand that is holding options that you can use for when you need them.  Every damage you take adds to this hand however it is limited to its capacity due to a player losing at 6 damage.  What I want you to see is that the deck is working a double the speed by drive checking on the offense and taking damage on defense this causes both hands to take 1 card from the deck and then after grade 3 it takes 3 cards due to twin drive.  Using the swap effects you are able to fix your hand as the situation calls for it.  I played this deck against a few players at otakon and they were amazed to see how dangerous the deck can be if put in the right hands.  Utilizing kiriel to start chain of events resulting ultimately in a field with some very threatening power.  Once again this is another deck that can utilize stand triggers to push for even more damage late game.

I hope you enjoyed this article and stay tuned for more thanks for reading...

-Travis OHalloran

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